Okay, I’m subjecting myself to developer shame and scrutiny, but I’m tired of hitting these little snarls. In other words, this post is more for myself than anyone else. Plus, the other point of this blog is to document my trials and solutions so brace yourself.

I’m simply trying to get a new installation of MySQL up and running on a Mavericks-based server. There are 20,398,430,284 (maybe fewer) articles regarding the process, but I somehow manage to slam into walls. Part of me believes it’s the fact that there ARE too many articles and it’s so easy to get on a wrong track vs. following one installation process. Either way, I think I have the combo that did it for me once and for all.

Credit to these folks:

Originally, I followed one guy’s take on it all and ended up with no mysql database and completely locked out of the root user (with or without password attempts; cute, I know). So! I decided to start over. But nooOOooo you need to COMPLETELY removed all MySQL fun from your drive before trying again. That uninstallation link above was the key to that. I missed a few files and especially the logged history notes. Time to put the Joe Schmoe blogs aside and stick to basics. (I know, I know — KISS). I stuck to the walkthrough suggestions and simply downloaded from MySQL dev site and followed those steps. To immediately avoid the root battles, I decided to try the “mysqladmin -u root -p ‘PASSWORD'” immediately. SEEMED to work from there, but I wasn’t convinced thanks to my earlier walls. I ran the mysql_secure_installation script in order verify my user settings and to get things locked down and cleaned up from the start. I was able to update the root password at this point if I’d like, which was NICE. This little process (much like CakePHP bake) helps you clean up your testing databases/usernames to prep for production. Given that I’m simply transferring servers, I’m all about getting the production replica in place and nixing the test gear. Sweet success!

Now I can finally put things back into place. Again, I’m fully aware that this isn’t something ‘hard’; it’s just finicky and my attention span can be rough. I found solace in the fact that most walkthroughs reference the notorious 2002 socket fix, which reminds me that there are still nuances in this whole MySQL process. I’m sure Oracle is battling to make it even tougher to fork out in the future, too. Apple always had MySQL in their Server Admin services list until the recent OS releases. I see a pattern! ::sigh:: Hello, MariaDB!

Well that’s all for now. Happy coding (now that you can)!

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